Coming Soon : New Website

We are excited to announce our new website will launch soon; however, this may affect visitors to the website and content managers of other websites which link to ours. Here are some potential impacts and possible follow-up actions:


Website visitors will notice a big change with completely different pages and URLs.

  • Bookmarks

    The new website uses different technology and previous bookmarks may need to be updated or discarded.
    1. Go to the home page of our new site.
    2. Use our new navigation menus to find what you need.
    3. If that does not work, try to use the search tool.
    4. Update/discard old bookmark.
  • Missing Content

    Content has been reviewed and re-organized in the new site; however, in some cases, content may have been purposefully removed in favor of new content or with links to content hosted elsewhere.
  • Website Domain/URL

    The Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct (OAISC) is changing website addresses. Please use "" to visit our website.

Website Managers

General Information

For high-traffic/criticla pages, we are trying to re-use URLs whenever possible in the new website for page which may have been linked to from external websites; however, this only works for folder/directory URLs. If you encounter a broken link in your website which links to ours, check to see if it has a ".php" file extension. If so, try removing the ".php" file extension to see if the link resolves. Also change "" to "" since the former is being phased out.

If removing ".php" does not work, we apologize but the link must be manually updated with whatever the new URL may be. Our new website management technology does not allow us to create pages/URLs with ".php" file extensions. Furthermore, we are only doing this for high-traffic/critical pages, not every page in the new website.

Website Domain/URL

The old domain "" will continue to work for a limited time, but we recommend updating all referneces to our site to use "" instead. The change of domain/URL and change of website technologies was not exactly simultaneous, but it does help distinguish differences between the sites. We will only brand URLs with the "" address now and references to the old "" website will erode quickly since most new content will have new URLs.