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UCI Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct

University Obligations and Student Rights

Section 1

University Obligations & Student Rights

170.00 Policy on University Obligations and Student Rights


As members of the University community students shall have the right:


To participate in the governance of the University, consistent with the University's stated goal (see Section 120.00 of these Policies) of enhancing student participation in the governance process by seeking student opinions and viewpoints on matters affecting both their academic and non-academic experiences and especially those decisions that directly affect their welfare, through drawing upon official student representation, as well as additional means for seeking student input as appropriate;


To have published annually by the University those schedules of both systemwide and campus-based fees and charges that must be paid by all students to whom the fees and charges apply as a condition of attendance. Such schedules shall not be subject to change during the year, except upon recommendation of the Chancellor or the President (as appropriate) or as required by action of The Regents. Each campus shall issue procedures as appropriate for challenging whether a particular fee or charge is due and, if it has already been paid and is subsequently determined by the campus not to be due, for securing a refund;


To have published annually by the University refund schedules for new and continuing students. This provision may also be satisfied by the publication by the University of annual written notice that such schedules are available electronically on the Internet on official University websites;


To have published annually by the University information about graduation rates of enrolled students and student athletes, as well as information in compliance with all other notification requirements to students that may be satisfied by publication, as specified by applicable law. This provision may also be satisfied by the publication by the University of annual written notice that such information is available electronically on the Internet on official University websites;


To receive annually from the University written information on campus crime statistics, as well as information in compliance with all other notification requirements to students that rise above simple publication to require individual distribution of the information to students, as specified by applicable law. This provision may also be satisfied by the publication by the University of annual written notice that such information is available electronically on the Internet on official University websites, subject to the additional requirement that, if the campus crime statistical information is made available by posting on the Internet, notice must be provided directly to the enrolled student that includes the exact electronic address at which the information is posted, a brief description of the information, and a statement that the campus will provide a paper copy of the information upon request (for the specific language of the requirements see the Department of Education Clery Handbook);


To receive annually written information on the campus' standards of conduct regarding the unlawful use, possession, and distribution of drugs, alcohol, and other illegal substances; a statement affirming that disciplinary sanctions will be imposed for violations of the standards of conduct; a description of the sanctions; and other information as specified by applicable law;


To be protected against the improper collection of information on students' political and social views, beliefs, and associations;


To have access to, and be protected against the improper disclosure or withholding of, information from student records in accord with applicable State and federal law, Section 130.00 of these Policies, and campus implementing regulations. When the law and regulations are unclear in their application, the University shall be guided by two principles: (1) the privacy of an individual student is of great weight, and (2) the information in a student's file should be disclosed to the student upon request;


To have all academic decisions affecting their academic standing, including the assignment of grades, based upon academic considerations only, administered fairly and equitably under policies established by the Academic Senate. In professional curricula, such decisions may include consideration of performance according to accepted professional standards. Equitable grievance procedures, established pursuant to Section 114.00 of these Policies, shall be developed in consultation with student representatives and implemented;


To petition the Academic Senate on matters within the jurisdiction of the Senate;


To the extent appropriate to the circumstances, to be free from University discipline for actions committed involuntarily or under duress. However, violations committed under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or illegal substances will be subject to student disciplinary procedures;


To have access to equitable grievance procedures established pursuant to Sections 111.00 and 112.00 of these Policies;


To petition for any change in these Policies, or in campus implementing regulations, through the appropriate campus office or the Office of the President;


To petition to appear before the Board of Regents under procedures set forth in the Bylaws. Individual students are entitled to seek an appearance before the Board to speak in open committee or Board session on matters on The Regents' agenda. Students must follow administrative procedures established by their respective campuses to appeal individual academic or administrative decisions relating to the above; and


If registered for a current term on any University campus, to have access to basic outpatient health care services of any other University campus, under conditions that apply to students registered on that campus.